Looking for a new job can be stressful whether you’ve just graduated from college or you are an experienced employee. Fortunately, there are hundreds of job listings in Jackson MS that you can apply to. Using the search tools, you can narrow down your options and find positions that fit your background and experience.
To make the most of your job search experience, here are eight tips to follow.
- Identify your skill sets
Many people start their job search by looking for specific titles, such as Executive or Director. While this method can be effective for some individuals, the better option is to first define your unique skill sets. This way, you can be matched to positions that require the experience.
- Thoroughly read through each listing
Take a few minutes to carefully read through each post. Employers get enough applications as it is so they strongly dislike when a person who isn’t qualified for the position sends a resume. Understand what the employer wants from you, and make sure that your resume matches up with the qualifications required.
- Keep your search narrow
As you start to look for new jobs, keep your search narrow. Only apply to positions that look promising for your skills and career goals. To ensure that the job you’re applying for is a great fit, take things a step further and do some research. Visit the company’s website and social media pages, get a sense for the company’s values, and read reviews from employees who work there.
- Save the best job listings
When you apply for a job, it’s important to save the job listing because they often expire after the company receives enough applications. If you do get an interview, it’s helpful to look back at the ad and read the description and qualifications. This will help you prepare for the interview.
- Customize your resume for each listing
It’s easier to send the same resume with each application, but you can gain a competitive edge if you customize it for the specific job. If the industries are different, this is especially important as you might want to highlight certain skills and experiences. However, even industries that are the same can benefit from tailor-made resumes.
- Create a unique cover letter
Not only should your resume be original but so should your cover letter. Don’t make this a copy of your resume. Give recruiters an interesting piece to read that details your accomplishments, skills, personality and why this job is so important to you.
- Make sure your social profiles are current
Hiring managers often visit potential candidates’ social profiles to get a better feel for their personality and work ethic. Keep your social media pages clean, professional, and updated. They are an extension of your resume so remove any potentially incriminating photos that could deter someone from hiring you.
- Review everything before sending it out
Use a fresh set of eyes to review everything before sending it out. Make sure your resume matches the job listing and that you have all of the qualifications the employer is looking for. Your cover letter and application should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Often, these digital files are stored in a database, so you want your application to deliver a great first impression each time.
Capitol Staffing is a staffing agency that has a full list of job listings in Jackson MS. Contact us today if you need help finding a job or candidate. We have the best of the best!